Although i have chosen video logs as my chosen video logs as my chosen method of recording my thoughts. i have chosen to critically reflect on a chosen day in writing. This is because i have always been a bit apprehensive about writing my own thoughts down as i feel like there is always a right or wrong answer. Over the last week i have realized there is no right or wrong answers and journal writing is just based upon how you feel and your experiences. This is a short extract from one of my logs i have put into words.
Thursday 8th of March 2012
The drama festival is fast approaching, both me and Olivia* (David’s*) mum are panicking as we start to think we have bitten off more than we can chew with verse and prose grade 1 exam in 3 weeks recommended age 9 David* is only 6, and a speech and drama festival next week which we are not quite prepared for. As the teacher i feel even more panicked as i feel i should have better planned and spread out the timing of the lessons to give equal concentration on festival and exam work. i did feel a little worried and concerned as getting up on stage unprepared is a horrible task for a little child. although we had done this extract of prose before, it was sometime last year so expressions and things would not be fresh in Davids* mind. With lots of persuading he finally got up for me to hear this extract back to see if it was competition worthy and as usual he pulled it out of the bag. everything we had practiced in the past was there in his performance:
Facial Play
He was able to say the piece with confidence and he in himself felt like he was ready to get on the stage. As Davids* support team his mother and i could have chosen to pull him out of this category as we did not feel he had had enough practice time but giving up is not something i would like to instill in my pupils ever. Better preparation and communication is definitely the key.
A journal is a friend that is always there and is always a comfort. It reflects back to me things that I can learn about my world and myself.
I will not be uploading any of my personal videos as they are my personal thoughts.
Afi, I agree here that journal methods are personal to the person reflecting. No right or wrong, just preferences. Do you think there is any particular reason you don't like to write your thoughts down?
ReplyDeleteI am not to sire Ahmet, i think writing down my thoughts has always been hard for me, thats maybe why i love performing so much. I just find the video a true reflection of how I'm feeling.