Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Task 3c: Sources of Information

  1. Google
  2. YouTube
  3. Social Media
  4. Friends
  5. Agents
1. Google runs over one million servers and processes over 1 billion search requests, From as far as i can remember, using this search engine has always been a comfort to me. I know i will get a choice of over 1 billion on whatever i am looking for. Most information you need can be found on the web, over the years the world wide web has expanded and search engines are the go to for any type of query. There is also a new feature called Google Alerts which alerts you when new information is posted. For example if i wanted  information on a celebrity i would sign up to have 'google alerts' alert me every time new information is posted about them. There are lots more product google has to offer. Google has helped me when i was preparing to go to performing arts college, it gave me a whole list of perspective colleges. 

2. YouTube is a great way of sharing talents, views etc. It is great for posting show reels, monologues and dance videos. Videos on youtube spread so quickly with th help of social media. Posting the link to Facebook or Twitter spread the video worldwide and ion days it can have up thousands of views. It is great for sharing talent, there have been a lot of people who have gained careers from posting the talents up on youtube. West End shows and previews can also be found here, backing tracks and instrumentals for audition use are also posted here.    For me Youtube is a great way of networking as you can put information about yourself as well as videos and agents and casting directors can communicate with you via this.

http://www.youtube.com/user/LMELaura - here is the link to a dancer who really inspires me

3. Social Media and the use of facebook, casting call pro and other sites to keep up to date with auditions and whats is going on in the performing industry . Twitter is one of the biggest social networking sites with most casting directors on twitter now it is very easy to follow and hear about auditions. It allows you to keep in touch with peers and spread information. 

4. Friends are a great source of information as they are always around to help. In my last blog post i spoke about affiliation and feeling that network of support when we are in need. Friends will always no other who will no others. This is a great way of networking and meeting new people who can be of help in the industry, Friends are the most trustworthy people and would know what is best to help you.

5. Agents are another source of information. they have contacts all over and can put you up for roles best suited for you. I have classes with my agent every thursday, sometimes she has casting directors come into classes and so on. Agents know you ability and are the best people to network through.


  1. Didn't think of my agent as a source of information, but of course they are... I wondered, you talk about google giving you information, do you ever use it as a source to inspire your work? I find the information on google can help me make character decisions? I wondered if you used the information to base any decisions on your art?

  2. Hi Afi/Ahmet

    I didn't think of my agent as a source of information either but you are absolutely right! In fact my agent has a substantial amount of control over my career. She is responsible for arranging my auditions and for representing me to the best of her ability.

    I also noticed that your sources of information are very similar to my own. Google and youtube are great for finding out pretty much anything you need to know. But, to find information you still have to initially type the item you are searching for. Websites like Whats on Stage and The Stage are great for keeping you in the know of whats happening on the world of musical theatre and dance. They also have twitter addresses and apps available so you can keep in the know when you are on the go!


  3. Hi Afi, I used used to have an agent when I was an artist in South Africa. Since moving to London I realise how important my agent was to me! I now have create my own networks to show and sell my work. I have really struggled with this and hope this course helps.
