Saturday 11 February 2012

Task: 1C

Finally i found out how to upload my video, so here the link:

I hope it works. This task was a chance for me to really develop some of my technology skills. I even got a bit creative with iMovie which I've never used before.

Please feel free to leave comments here on ways i could improve on it if i was to do it again.

Thanks Afi



  1. Great Video Afi...

    I'm just about to record mine. I like that yours is simple and too the point. I think your idea to bring your knowledge to Ghana is brilliant.

    Look out for my video...

  2. Thanks Ahmet, i wanted to keep to short and sweet, because i'm on youtube and I'm watching an instruction video or something i know that i always skip to get to straight to the point, so i i didn't want to waffle to much in my own video.

    looking forward to seeing yours


  3. Hi Afi,

    great video! You say everything that's needed in a clear and precise way. I know what you mean when it comes to waffling, cos that's what I tend to do when I'm nervous!

    JP :)

  4. Yes - clear intentions and aspirations - Ghana idea one that you can use the course for a future career pathway.

  5. Hey Afi,

    That's great. Well done with the graphics too - I thought your snippet was clear, concise and very truthful. I look forward to learning more about your chosen career path...
    Best Wishes,

  6. Hi Afi,
    Im starting BAPP this term too.Really liked your clip.Very natural and clear.I hope your casting goes really well also.
    Best Wishes,
